Horror Revival


So this photo may not be the best to come back on. I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. Holidays are crazy and work has been making me crazier.

But I finally treated myself to a new lens. And boy, is this baby awesome. I’ve been taking so many photos I don’t have time to edit them all.

The photo from above is from the Seattle EMP Horror exhibit. We originally went to view their ‘Art of Video Games’ exhibit, but this hidden away exhibit turned out to be awesome.




Seriously good exhibit.Image

Gone to the birds…

Let it be known that I love birds. I love that they can fly, they’re smart, and they have some of most beautiful colors. Tyler and I went to Woodland Park Zoo what seems like ages ago now, and I took some pictures of the locals.

For those who have never been, they have a peacock that roams around freely, and while pretty, he’s also pretty dumb, getting stuck of roofs a lot. He’s used to humans, so I was able to get really close for some nice shots.

This only makes me want to go to the zoo again! Tyler was dying to see the two-toed sloth they have there last time, but he was sleeping. Maybe we’ll see him next time!

Down on the dock


Down on the dock

Every year our family goes camping at Millersylvannia state park, down by Olympia, WA. It’s kind of a big deal, since that’s really the only time our extended family gets together. Since I’ve gotten older and I’m not as easily able to get the week off for the whole trip, I normally just go down for the weekend and relax while I can.

I took this picture shortly after we arrived. Tyler and I went bike riding, and it was already getting pretty dark. It was pouring rain almost the entire trip down, along with thunder and lightning, which is a pretty rare sight. The whole night was filled with the sparks of the sky, and it was just beautiful.

Now that winter is almost here, I miss spending lat nights out on the beach and watching the skies turn different colors. But with colder climates comes more opportunities for cuddles!

Getting started

Getting started is rough.

I knew that photography is something that I wanted to do, but there is a lot of working that has to go into it first before you can start. Figuring out what kind of photography to specialize in. Names. Equipment. Getting clients. Networking with other photographers. Building a portfolio. Staying relevant.

I remember other would say that doing photography professionally is 80% business and 20% photography. I guess I’ll find out.

I rebuilt my portfolio this weekend, realizing that I need to edit more photos to display.

I built a Facebook page for myself, then realized I need to make a watermark and a logo, I can’t keep using that picture of Tyler to display as my work.

I made another blog a month ago for photography challenges, and now this one for everyday things.

There’s a lot of work, but there is also a lot of reward.

Being able to take pictures, have those pictures be loved, and potentially be paid for it is something I really look forward too, and it is helping me keep motivated in a time where everything is all ‘Oh, one more thing, don’t forget this…’

This will all pay off.